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Europe > Balkans
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Ortelius's map of the northern Balkans in fine colour
Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionem Nova Decsriptio, Auctore Augustino Hirsvogelio.
Abraham Ortelius.

Antwerp, Vrients, 1602, Spanish text edition. The northern Balkans, with Slovenia and Croatia, based on the map by Augustin Hirschvogel, 1565. The original hand colour is particularly fine, with the woodcut initial on verso also coloured.

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Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia
Partie Meridionale du de Hongrie...
Nicolas Sanson.

Paris, Pierre Mariette, c.1654. Map of southern Hungary, centred on the Danube. Also shown are Croatia and Bosnia.

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Map of the Eastern Danube
Danubii Fluminis (hic ab urbe Belgrado, per Mare Negrum usq, Constantinopolim defluentis exhibiti) Pars Infima...
Johann Baptist Homann.

Nuremberg, c.1720. Map of the Danube from Belgrade to the Black Sea, with Istambul in the lower right.

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Uncommon Map of the Southern Balkans
L'Albania e la Macedonia con porzione della Dalmazia, Servia, Vallachia Bulgaria e Romania.
Giovanni Maria Cassini.

Rome, 1788. Albania and Macedonia, with parts of Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, with a decorative title cartouche. Cassini's atlas was not a financial success, so few examples were printed.

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