| Map of eastern Belarus Charte von Russisch Litauen, welche die von Polen an Russland abgetretene Woiewodschaften, Liefland, Witepsk,Mscislaw, unde einen Theil der Woiewodschasten Polock und Minsk enthalt. Homann Heirs.
Nuremburg: Homann Heirs, 1775. Map of eastern Belarus, including the the counties of Vitebsk, Polotsk and Mstislavl, seized three years earlier by the Russians in the First Partitiion of Poland. Marking the Dnieper and Dwiner rivers, with the towns of Polack, Orsha & Mogilev. Over the borders are Smolensk in Russia and Kiev in Ukraine. HOMA1035 | £450.00
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