| Georg Matthaus Seutter. Recens Edita totius Novi Belgii, in America Septentrionale siti... £2400.00 Augsburg: Tobias Conrad Lotter, c.1750. 505 x 585mm. Original body colour with later additions to the cartouche. Seutter's German version of the Jansson-Visscher 'Nova Belgi' map, as published by his son-in-law, updated to reflect the political reality of Britain's control of the area. The view of New York is the 'Restitutio' view, celebrating the short Dutch re-occupation of the city 1673-74, but instead of Dutch allegory the cartouche shows tribute being offered to George II of Great Britain. Seutter retained the vignettes of animals and Indian villages, but engraved the boundaries of Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, making this the first in the 'Nova Belgii' series with this feature. Visscher's naming of Boston as 'Briston' is retained, an error not corrected until a later edition by Lotter, c.1760
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